Holistic Health Care for Anxiety
Dandelion is the perfect flower essence for anxiety and you’ll find it in many of the Plants + Passion blends (it’s my personal favourite!)
Cloak. Weight. Tired. Wired. Adrenaline. Racing. Overwhelm. Busy. Fear. Unknown. Control. Life. Death.
Which words, emotions and feelings describe anxiety for you?
This is how I felt for many years. I remember feelings like this from my teenage years, scattered throughout my 20s and for half of my 30s after my breast cancer diagnosis at 34.
Over the last year I’ve been amazed at how much these feelings have reduced, even disappeared for the most part, even though I am busier than ever and feel stretched in many directions.
So, what can I credit this reduction to? Well, it isn’t just one thing. I would say it’s many things even though I'm not doing all of the things all of the time. As a human being I personally just find it too difficult to maintain all of the things all of the time! I’m sure you can relate.
Around this time last year I signed up for Mindful in May which set me on a wonderful path of meditation and inner reflection. Finding time for a regular meditation practice (even 10 minutes a day) or a daily mindfulness practice does wonders for anxiety.
I then committed myself to a pretty strict ketogenic diet and herbal medicine gut healing protocol for 6+ months and also stopped drinking alcohol. There is a strong link between gut health and mental health so it’s no wonder doing this work has improved my mental health. I’ve enjoyed coming back to a more varied diet but have continued with a cyclic keto diet which is generally low carb high fat. It feels really natural for me to eat this way and I can feel that my body is well nourished because of it.
During this time I also became a flower essence practitioner and have been dosing myself and my family almost daily ever since! Flower essences are a wonderfully empowering way to take control of your emotional health (nb. flower essences are not essential oils, although I do use both in my mists and natural perfumes). Flower essences are an easy, natural vibrational medicine where the small dose can have huge benefits. I’m in awe of the results I’m achieving not only with myself but also with my clients.
This year exercise has finally become a regular part of my week, something I’ve been trying to establish for many years. I can’t quite believable how much I look forward to it and enjoy it in the process.
Another thing that has helped is just a greater awareness of my inner landscape. I don’t get caught up in there over analysing too much but I can see what’s holding me back and areas that need some assistance in blossoming. Again flower essences are wonderful to help give us more clarity on what’s going on inside those monkey minds and to give them a bit of a declutter. Meditation also does wonders for this.
So, is it one of these things or all of them that’s helped to reduce the anxiety that was ever present in my mind, chest, gut and throat? All of them of course!
It’s never just one thing that will bring you closer to your health goals. It is a holistic way of being, one that may be difficult at times, that you want to give up on and do some days (I do!), but one that feels right from the depths of your soul.
Life has felt very busy this last year and in the past I would have had trouble coping with the overwhelm of it all. It’s not just a change in biochemistry or physical and emotional resilience but also a change in mindset (flower essences are wonderful for helping us to see our situations in a new and positive light). I like to see my life as full of abundance rather than full of busy-ness (in a negative way). As long as the abundance (busy-ness) is in alignment with my values and not taking me away from the things that I love then I’ll welcome it and be grateful for it.
So, how much abundance do you currently have in your life? Do you need some guidance in changing your mindset and reducing your anxiety levels? The flower essences and I would love to assist with that if the time is right for you. Custom elixirs and set blends are available. Stress Less is particularly indicated for anxiety but a custom blend would be even better with some Stress Less as support. Reach out when you’re ready and enjoy your abundance!