My passion for plant medicine

Studying naturopathy has been one of my greatest joys and challenges (aside from my beautiful and wilful daughters!)  I've had many health problems (some quite serious) and they have all lead me to where I am today - being super passionate about my own health and wellness plus that of my family, friends and future clients.  

During this time I discovered flower essences (along with herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutritional medicine, so many different modalities come under the whole healing system of Naturopathy!) However, flower essences have allowed me to move through some pretty big emotions in a healthy and even enjoyable way. They’ve given me a level of awareness of myself that I didn’t have prior to using them. I’m a better mother and wife because of using flower essences almost daily. I enjoy seeing changes in my girls upon using them. I’ve shared with friends and family who have also gained the benefits of what these little drops of goodness bring to their lives. It’s time for me to start sharing my blends with more than those close to me. Online store coming soon!

I hope that you take something away from my blog (or shop) that will inspire you to keep making the small changes, one small step at a time, towards your own optimal health and wellbeing. I've found over the years that once you start making changes and improving your health, your loved ones want to do the same.  I hope to inspire you so you can inspire your friends and family, the ripples will spread out like small gentle waves of nurturing and nourishment.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi

My first whole batch of flower essences

My first whole batch of flower essences

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